Sunday, September 16, 2018

I Am A Cat Butler

All this time, I thought I was a cat owner.  It dawned on me today, that I am actually a cat butler.  Here are three of my five.  I thought they loved watching college football with me.  Turns out, I think they are more into laying on me while I watch college football.  If you sit down, you are guaranteed to have at least three cats on you within thirty seconds.

Charles French was licensed to practice law in Texas in 1991. The majority of his practice includes the Justice of the Peace and Municipal Courts in Houston, Harris County and surrounding counties. You may visit his website by going to:


About Me

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I like to listen to hippie and redneck music as I travel the back roads from court to court. If you could have the answer to one of the great mysteries, scientific or otherwise, what would it be? Like the origins of the universe. If there was a "Big Bang", how did nothing become something? How did something become chemistry? How did chemistry become biology? How did biology become consciousness? What's next in this evolutionary process? Lucky for me, most of the calls I get are people looking for answers regarding traffic tickets and problems with their drivers license. When I get frequent questions over the same subject, if I've got answers, I try to post them here. Like math, most answers in real life are not whole numbers. I suspect most of us have discovered as much. I can tell you however, with a fair degree of confidence, regarding the universe stuff, I don't have a clue. But it doesn't mean that I don't want to know.